Monday, December 12, 2011

Ron Paul Promises Better Economy

Ron Paul has promised voters that with him as president, citizens could see the economy improving within 12 months of him in office.

Ron Paul says that, realistically, we cannot end the Fed right away. Too much of our economy is tied into the system, and ending it outright would deflate currency so fast that the only people who would be okay are the wealthy. It has to be done incrementally (but purposefully) over time, in a process that helps to reverse the bad policies without putting all the strain on the average American.

CNN kinda danced around the legitimate point that this would eliminate a bunch of jobs Ron Paul rightly categorized as "non-productive" .. We kinda can't have our cake and eat it too here, though. People that are totally out of work would have to be a moron to turn down a public sector job. People really do need jobs TODAY. Not when an economic plan starts to take effect... public jobs, private jobs, non-productive jobs (might as well be paying taxes on their welfare)

You must remember though, our taxes are paying 100% of public job wages. You could use your extra money (from tax savings) to hire someone for your personal use, SAME effect! If the government is going to tax, it should do so to provide for the common social good. Keeping unnecessary beuracracy just so people can have jobs is really doing nothing except taking from people who do have jobs, in order to hide how bad the unemployment problem is.

I guess what I'm getting at is Ron Pauls plan needs to outline and quantify the savings in cutting the regulatory burden to small business that I guarantee will create jobs. Business is not content to stagnate but will surely hunker down when the anti-business policies of this country threaten their very existence. There's no substitute for man hours in growth so give business the room to grow, the incentive is already there and they will hire.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Euro Needs to go!

I am of the opinion that the Euro was created to consolidate the assets and debt that countries such as Greece, Italy and France had so that they could fund their bloated and broke governments. What I found interesting was that Great Britain did not join the Euro dance when this occurred which to me was a telling example of the strength of the Euro.

New York Times
The only country that had some liquidity was Germany: an economy I will add that was subsidized by the US government for over forty years as our forces occupied their country for that length of time. Many Germans rejoiced as US service members were leaving only to realize the economic impact we had in their country while we were there as their jobs disappeared as a result. But kudos to them as they adjusted well; after all like the US, Germany was always been known to manufacture great products. So it was just a matter of time before they dug themselves out of the hole. Now they have the dubious responsibility of helping other broke EU nations that were always broke and needed handouts in order to sustain their worthless governments.

A great deal of economic maneuvering is needed to reduce the debt issue the broke Eurozone countries have Currency will only retain its value if the consumer believes it is worth something. Once it loses that trust, the whole system will collapse.The economy of the European Union stands for almost 1/3 of the worlds´s economy. It is even larger than the US´s. I know that a lot of people talk about the rising Chinese giant, but the real economic giants right now are the US and the EU. If either fails the world is in for a huge depression. It is in the interest of all to wish for the best of our neighbors. And in today´s world we are more and more like neighbors. It is interesting to see how some users from the US speak negatively about the EU. I wonder why?